• 2022-06-06
    The difference between the _______ performance and the desired performance is referred to as the performance gap.
  • baseline


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      Which of the following performance facets must be considered to understand performance? A: Task performance and results B: Declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge C: Task performance and contextual performance D: Contextual performance and results

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      Now, listen to the second interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the second interview. A: A biological reason for the difference of performance between poor children and normal children. B: A psychological reason for the difference of performance between poor children and rich children. C: The link between one's family background and his education. D: The link between one's family background and his chance of success.

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      ‍The poor implementation of the performance planning phase will result in the poor implementation of the:‏‍‏ A: performance execution phase B: performance assessment phase C: performance review phase D: performance renewal and recontracting phase

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      What is the triple bottom line for measuring corporate environmental sustainability? A: Financial performance B: Environmental performance C: Functional performance D: Social performance

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      Chomsky has made the distinction between linguistic competence and______. A: linguistic performance B: communicative competence C: reading performance D: universal grammar