• 2022-06-06
    Who will be the first users of Galileo, the new satellite navigation system
    A: Rescue workers
    B: B. GPS users
    C: European drivers
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following statements about the constellation of GPS is correct? ( ) A: GPS is a passive system for users B: GPS works for 24 hours/day and 7 days/week C: GPS is designed to provide positioning and timing information D: GPS is an active system for users

    • 1

      In which population is the first endogenous HIV outbreak in China? A: Drug users B: Paid blood donors C: Users of imported blood products D: Female sex workers E: Men who have sex with men(MSM)

    • 2

      Acccounting infromation system serves many kinds of users who can be divided into two groups: external users and .

    • 3

      In well-known Satellite Navigation Systems, besides China’s BDS, there are the US GPS, European GLONASS and Russian GALILEO.

    • 4

      Navigation Satellite System