• 2022-06-06
    What will these people be doing in a few months()
    A: They’ll finish their examination.
    B: They’ll have their Christmas vacation.
    C: They’ll visit their friends at college.
    D: They’ll study at a college.
  • D


    • 0

      I have the information ____. A: of what he’ll come soon B: that he’ll come soon C: of that he’ll come soon

    • 1

      “What will you ________ at six this evening?” “I’ll probably be having supper.” A: do B: doing C: have D: be doing

    • 2

      ​I’ll find a job and become a skilled worker after graduating from college. I have ___________ for going to graduate school. (motivation)‎​‎

    • 3

      I have the information ____. A: of what he’ll come soon B: that he’ll come soon C: of that he’ll come soon D: his coming soon

    • 4

      What will happen if you use language in an improper way A: You'll achieve success. B: You'll never be promoted. C: Traditional people will accuse (指责) you of the violation of law. D: You'll have misunderstanding from other people.