• 2022-06-06
    If you want to _______ starting your own business, you need to work hard.
    A: succeed
    B: succeed in
    C: succeed on
    D: succeed for
  • B


    • 0

      To succeed, you must _______ work hard for it.

    • 1

      Which sentence is right. A: May you succeed ! B: You may succeed! C: Succeed may you! D: Succeed you may!

    • 2

      This project is dangerous and time-consuming. But ____ you would become famous A: might you succeed B: could you succeed C: should you succeed D: would you succeed

    • 3

      You need to be a bit of a _______ to succeed in this company.

    • 4

      You need to be more _______ to succeed in business.