• 2022-06-06
    Cycling is a good exercise, _______, it doesn't pollute the air.
    A: in addition to
    B: moreover
    C: except
    D: including
  • B


    • 0

      Electric vehicles will save a lot of air (pollute) _________ because there will be no emmision of CO2 in the air.

    • 1

      34. Electric vehicles will save a lot of air (pollute) ________ because there will be no emission of CO2 in the air.

    • 2

      智慧职教: Electric vehicles will save a lot of air (pollute) _________ because there will be no emission of CO2 in the air.

    • 3

      Electric vehicles will save a lot of air ______ because there will be no emission of CO2 in the air. A: pollute B: polluted C: pollution D: polluting

    • 4

      Your picture is good ________ some of the colours. A: besides B: in addition to C: except D: except for