• 2022-06-06
    Proper table manners are likely to help you make a good impression. ( )
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      Brush up on table manners and the basics of business etiquette before you go. This may help you avoid inappropriate behavior in a different culture.

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      make a good impression on sb.

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      A good presentation can help a professional, or a business stand out from the competition, connect with new clients and make an impression on industry leaders.

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      What is considered proper table manners as a polite guest? A: Say thank you all the time. B: Wait to be served and do not help yourself with food. C: Do not ask for another helping of some food even if you want it. D: Eat up everything on the plate.

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      You are _________ to get the job if you make good preparations for the interview. A: likely B: probable C: possible D: feasible