• 2022-06-06
    Which one is the correct answer?
    A: Really?
    B: I don’ t think so.
    C: Thank you.
    D: Just so so.
  • C


    • 0

      --Do you think we've met before?--____________ A: Thank you. B: Good luck. C: Yes, fine. D: I don't think so.

    • 1

      – Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock’n’ roll? I’m preparing for tomorrow’s exam. <br/>- _________? A: It’s none of your business. B: What are you doing? C: Sure. Sorry to disturb you. D: No, I don’t think so.

    • 2

      I don’t know the answer,________I can’t tell you. A: but B: or C: so

    • 3

      Which one is the correct answer? A: Yes, please. B: Don’t worry. C: Thank you. D: Sure, with pleasure.

    • 4

      Which expression shows you strongly agree with what someone's just said? A: That's for sure. B: I'm not so sure. C: Well, I suppose so.