• 2022-06-06
    lunar probes adopt landing leg type soft landing are: ____.
    A: "Chang'e-3"
    B: "Phoenix"
    C: "Apollo"
    D: "Curiosity"
  • A,C


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      词汇与结构If the landing gear _________ is limited to one main landing gear leg , the pilot should consume as much fuel from that side of the airplane as practicable, thereby reducing the weight of the wing on that side.

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      Belly landing and gear-up landing are the same.

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      ‌The landing gear consists of ( )and ( ).​ A: two main landing gears B: a nose landing gear C: shock-absorbing strut D: extension and retraction system

    • 3

      A belly landing or gear-up landing is when an aircraft lands without its landing gear fully ------------. A: extend B: extended C: retract D: retracted

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      In the event of failure of only one landing gear _____ , the pilot may choose to retract all the gear. A: brake B: leg C: crank D: tire