• 2022-06-06
    A debate has to be _________ before it is meaningful.
    A: lengthy
    B: interesting
    C: debatable
  • C


    • 0

      The novel has ______________ fierce debate in the US.

    • 1

      In the following statement, which cannot be a coding standard? A: Construct an appropriate layout of the code. B: Make a meaningful name of the variable meaningful. C: Make a short name of the variable. D: Add comments.

    • 2

      Which of the following occasions has a formal debate

    • 3

      我从来没有读过这样有趣的书。 A: Never before I have read such an interesting book. B: Never before have I read such an interesting book. C: Never have I read such an interesting book before. D: Never I have read such an interesting book before.

    • 4

      The article is interesting, but it needs some __________ before it can be published.