• 2022-06-06
    the passengers in the plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes
    Mountains a week ago were ______
    as dead.
  • G


    • 0

      Which<br/>plane that axial surfaces of folds are parallel to? ____ A: plane<br/>AB B: plane<br/>AC C: plane<br/>BC D: anyone may be possible

    • 1

      __is famous for its beautiful scenery such as sunrise, strange pine, clouds and fog, and is known as "the King of all the mountains". A: Mount<br/>Huangshan B: Mount<br/>Taishan C: Mount<br/>Huashan D: Mount<br/>Lushan

    • 2

      To make matters worse<br/>there were tiny<br/>holes in the brickwork of the rooms. The phrase in italics<br/>means_______ A: Above all B: And the problem was that C: On top of it all D: And what was worse

    • 3

      Were it not for the snowy weather, we________ all right now.[br][/br] A. would be B. would have been C. were D. may be

    • 4

      Compounds<br/>with a symmetry plane are chiral。(<br/>)