• 2022-06-06
    Information makes the supply chain visible to a manager so that he can make decisions to improve the supply chain’s performance.
  • 正确


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      Information is only a key ingredient at each stage of the supply chain, not within each phase of supply chain decision making.

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      The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because it specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member of the supply chain.

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      By carefully using the available information, the supply chain can move toward global optimization.

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      Which of the following items is incorrect for supply chain management? A: Pursue the maximization of the interests of core enterprises B: Supply chain management links the independent information of each enterprise C: Enterprises in the supply chain become trading partners D: Establish cross enterprise cooperation in the supply chain

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      In sequential planning, each stage of the supply chain optimizes its profit and considers the impact of its decisions on other supply chain stages. A: 正确 B: 错误