• 2022-06-06
    Region-oriented model means that a company selects the sales person according to the regions.
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      According to the passage, if you have a share of a company or a factory, it means that you ______. A: can buy the company or the factory B: can sell the company or the factory C: will become the owner of the company or the factory D: are the owner of the company or the factory

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      Task 2:Write a letter to Tom Jones, a sales manager, introducing your company (Sweetheart Chocolate) according to the following information.

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      10 The market sales structure is a sales model based on: (6.2)

    • 3

      Market _________ means one company's percentage of the total sales in that product's market. A: segment B: section C: share D: division

    • 4

      Financial companies, also called finance companies, can be divided into the following categories according to business content A: Sales finance company B: Consumer finance corporation C: Bank holding company D: Commercial finance company