• 2022-06-06
    I don’t know what ______ at the last meeting.
    A: happen
    B: to happen
    C: is happened
    D: happened
  • D


    • 0

      What _____ if I drink this? A: happens B: is happening C: will happen D: is happened

    • 1

      我向你保证像昨天那样的事今后再也不会发生了。 A: I assure you that something like what happened yesterday won’t happen again from now on. B: I assure you that something like what happened to yesterday won’t happen again from now on. C: I assure you that anything like what happened yesterday won’t happen again from now on.

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: I don’t know what has happened, and don’t know what to do next.

    • 3

      “I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time.” “What do you suppose ______ to him?” A: was happening B: to happen C: has happened D: had happened

    • 4

      66. There’s a police car here, what do you suppose ____? A: is happened B: has happened C: world happen D: did happen