• 2022-06-06
    If you were a physician, would you support animal research? Why?
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      9. What ____________ if you were bitten by a snake? ( will you do, would you do)

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      _____, I would accept the invitation and go to the party.A. Were I youB. Was I youC. Had I been youD. Would I be you A: Were I you B: Was I you C: Had I been you D: Would I be you

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      If you were Jimmy, how would you deal with the awkward situation?

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      You don"t believe in yourself. That"s why you failed your driving test. If you were more self-confident, I"m sure you ______. A: passed B: would have passed C: will pass D: have passed

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      7. ___________ harder if you were better paid? ( Did you work, Would you work)