• 2022-06-06
    _______ came into service in the early 1980s.
    A: The comet
    B: The Boeing 747
    C: The Boeing 757
    D: The Boeing 767
  • C


    • 0

      词汇与结构 Boeing recommends __________ the RTO feature (if installed) on all takeoffs as it will ensure brake application early in the rejected takeoff.

    • 1

      Boeing’s Safety Guiding Principles show us that the company emphasizes on employee safety issues very much.

    • 2

      指纹系统采用()相结合的运行模式。 A: ABIS系统和BoEing系统 B: 管理端和操作端 C: 管理端和ABIS系统 D: 管理端和BoEing系统

    • 3

      They have placed a large ___with the Boeing Company for 20 new airlines. A: charge B: command C: request D: order

    • 4

      1.中国航空工业集团有限公司的英文缩写为( )。 A: AVIC B: COMAC C: Boeing D: Airbus