• 2022-06-06
    What are the most beloved Chinese dishes by foreigners?( ) .
    A: Spring Rolls
    B: Peking Roasted Duck
    C: Tang Dynasty
    D: Gong Bao Chicken
  • A,B,D


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      ‎ The Chinese rules on costumes starts from‏ A: Qin dynasty B: Ming dynasty C: Zhohu dynasty D: Tang dynasty

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      3. Usually, Peking R______ Duck is eaten with pancakes, spring onions and sweet bean sauces.

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      What is the most representative subject of the figure painting in Tang Dynasty? A: historical stories B: religious figure paintings C: court ladies

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      The Tang suit is a type of Chinese jacket that riginated in the Tang Dynasty and was redesigned in the Qing Dynasty.

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      The territory of the Tang Dynasty was the largest one in Chinese history._