• 2022-06-06
    __________ the glass(1.0)
    A: frequently
    B: polish
    C: frame
    D: simply
  • B


    • 0

      The most expensive glass is . A: Soda-lime B: Borosilicate glass C: Lead-alkali silica glass D: Fused silica glass

    • 1

      There are () on the table. A: a glass of wate B: a glass of milk C: two glasses of wate D: a glass of oranges

    • 2

      In radio and television ______ impossible to draw the line between news and entertainment programs. A: frequently is B: B. are frequently C: it is frequently D: D. where they are frequently

    • 3

      Which glass surface treatment process is used for the glass curtain wall shown in the following picture?[img=825x511]1803a3150fd8b4e.jpg[/img] A: Chemical polishing. B: Glass painting. C: Glass surface coating. D: Glass surface coloring.

    • 4

      a train ___________ A: polish B: entertainment C: schedule D: conque