• 2022-06-06
    He was being _____ by his sister.
    A: looking after
    B: look after
    C: looked after
  • C


    • 0

      Mrs. White has a hard time because she has six children() A: look after B: to be looked after C: to look after D: looking after

    • 1

      She gave up her job as a nurse because she found the children too difficult _____ . A: look after B: to look after C: looking after D: be looked after

    • 2

      【单选题】3. Young children must by adults. A. look after B. is looked after C. looked after D. be looked after A. look after B. is looked after C. looked after D. be looked after

    • 3

      He got me () his parents when he joined the army. A: look after B: to look after C: look on D: to look on

    • 4

      Cathy didn't go to Tom's birthday party last night because she ______ the baby for her sister until 9:30. A: must have looked after B: would have to look after C: had to look after D: should have looked after