• 2022-06-06
    The king was forced to _________ a new constitution which reduced his powers.()
    A: adjust
    B: adapt
    C: adept
    D: adopt
  • D


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      I suggested he should ____himself to his new conditions. A) adapt B) adopt C) regulate D) suit

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      Questions50.I suggested he should ___ himself to his new conditions. A: adopt B: regulate C: suit D: adapt

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      I suggested he should adapt himself to his new conditions.adapt means __________ A: adjust B: acquaint C: regulate D: alert

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      Mr. Jones accepted our suggestion and tried by every means to()himself to his new conditions. A: suit B: adopt C: regulate D: adapt

    • 4

      The couple are unable to have children of their own, so they decided to _____ a daughter. A: adopt B: adjust C: adapt D: appoint