• 2022-06-04
    The reliable evidence for early detection of cardiac arrest is
    A: Undetectable blood pressure
    B: Cannot respond to commands
    C: Cannot feel the pulse of carotid and femoral arteries
    D: Respiratory arrest
    E: No chest expansion
  • C


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      In a cardiac cycle, the average value of arterial blood pressure is<br/>called () A: Systolic pressure B: Diastolic pressure C: Pulse pressure D: Mean arterial pressure E: Central venous pressure

    • 1

      The drugs using in cardiac arrest are ( ) A: noradrenalin B: adrenaline C: dopamine D: isoprenaline E: atropine

    • 2

      Treatment of hyperkalemia caused by cardiac arrest() A: atropine B: adrenaline C: bromobenzylamine D: calcium<br/>chloride E: potassium chloride

    • 3

      Which symptoms NOT often occur in the early stage of shock ? () A: Blood pressure decreased B: anus temperature decreased C: agitate and restless D: coma E: Weak and rapid pulse

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      Many people watched a policeman ______ him in the street. A: arrest B: to arrest C: arrested D: D.for arrest