• 2022-06-04
    The professor had to explain the profound theory in a/an ____language because of the audience ’ s poor knowledge in this field.
    A: luminous
    B: abstract
    C: dull
    D: theoretical
  • A


    • 0

      Why is "chess game" mentioned in the last paragraph A: Because game theory is from chess game. B: Because economists should learn from chess. C: Because chess has the same principle as economics. D: Because it's another concept in the field of economics.

    • 1

      The film has a/an tameending. A: imaginative B: theoretical C: creative D: dull

    • 2

      An audience analysis is important because it enables a speaker to _____________. A: develop a useful level of detail B: select appropriate points of emphasis in your presentation C: Choose and prepare appropriate body language D: create a tone that is sensitive to the audience's circumstance

    • 3

      One’s knowledge of a specific language consists of ________.

    • 4

      Chomsky’s theory was applied directly in language learning.