• 2022-06-04
    They are _______ of the original English and Scottish settlers.
    A: offspring
    B: descendants
    C: later generation
    D: progeny
  • B


    • 0

      The ________ settlers in North America are the Indians. A: first B: original C: new D: other

    • 1

      Robert Burns was a ______ poet. A: English B: Scottish C: Welsh D: Irish

    • 2

      TheuniversitiesofSt.Andrews, Glasgow,AberdeenandEdinburgharecalledthe_________fouruniversities. A: English B: Scottish C: Welsh D: Irish

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: The major divisions are normally classified as English English, Welsh English and Scottish English in Britain.

    • 4

      What phenomenon describes a genetic trait that is expressed more strongly or earlier in development with each generation? A: anticipation B: epigenetics C: maternally determined progeny phenotypes D: epistasis