• 2022-06-06
    When the job hunters are applying for a job, they usually ______ the application forms before attending an interview.
    A: fill into
    B: fill up
    C: fill with
    D: fill out
  • D


    • 0

      Before you your application form, don’t forget to ______ it and make sure the layout is clean. A: submit, proofread B: fill out, selected C: submit, fill out D: fill out, proofread

    • 1

      Please ____ the tank with petrol. A: fill in B: fill out C: fill up D: full of

    • 2

      2. I had to ____________ so much paperwork on my first day of work. A. fill out B. fill out with C. fill up D. fill up with

    • 3

      Complete the sentence with the following words. <br/>Before you __________ your application form, don’t forget to _______ it and make sure the layout is clean. A: Submit, proofread B: Fill out, selected C: Submit, fill out D: Fill out, proofread

    • 4

      Before<br/>you your application form, don’t forget to ______ it and make<br/>sure the layout is clean. A: submit,<br/>proofread B: fill<br/>out, selected C: submit,<br/>fill out D: fill<br/>out, proofread