• 2022-06-06
    Though sea water is the best mode of fighting fire, the main emergency fire fighting system can only be used on fires of ________.
  • Type A


    • 0

      What are The Five Elements ? A: wood, fire, earth, metal, water B: wind, fire, earth, metal, water C: wood, fire, earth, metal, rice D: wood, fire, earth, ray, water

    • 1

      Why can explosives be used to stop the fire from burning?

    • 2

      Which of the following is the main idea of this passage() A: Fire can help people in many ways. B: Fire can be both helpful and dangerous. C: Fire can burn things and people. D: We must be careful with matches.

    • 3

      "The fire is in Main Street." John said to the man, "The New Hotel is _________." A: on fire B: in fire C: by fire D: at fire

    • 4

      A bill of lading can only be used for sea shipment.