• 2022-06-06
    They ______play the piano when they were young.(could/be able to)
    A: could
    B: were able to
    C: was able to
    D: could/were able to
  • D


    • 0

      I wish I ______ yesterday's exam. A: passed B: had been able to pass C: were able to pass D: could pass

    • 1

      Were it not for friction, we ( ) walk on this earth of ours. A: should not have been able to B: would not be able to C: were not able to D: are not able to

    • 2

      Were it not for friction (摩擦力), we ______walk on this earth of ours. ( ). A: were not able to B: should not have been able to C: would not be able to D: are not able to

    • 3

      He didn’t agree with me at first but I _____ persuade him. A: was able to B: was able C: could D: could be able to

    • 4

      They _________________swim last year. A: was able to B: were able to C: are able to