• 2022-06-06
    One of the major difficulties of research into human health problems is the difficulty of ______.
    A: knowing how many factors there are
    B: isolating particular, individual factors from the complex human environment
    C: knowing the complex human environment
    D: increasing the number of the competent physicians
  • B


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      How human beings and their environment act _____ each other. A: upon B: for C: as D: to

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      Which of the following are the factors contributing to the development of agricultural culture in China?( ) A: rich landforms B: favorable climates C: human’s desire D: oceanical environment E: continental movement

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      智慧职教: The human brain is a complex ______.

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      Which of the following factors is the material prerequisite for physical and mental development? A: Education B: Individual practice activities C: The environment D: Genetic factors E: Individual epigenetic factors

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      ] The most complex object in the universe is the human brain.