• 2022-06-06
    I have the message ______ below for you to forward to him.
    A: been attached
    B: to attach
    C: attaching
    D: attached
  • C


    • 0

      Mary was having trouble with a young man who ______ himself to her and she couldn't get rid of him. A: attached B: tiring C: lied D: attaching

    • 1

      be attached; be in contact with ____? A: inhibit B: prohibit C: attach

    • 2

      ______, please find today’s meeting notes. A: Attached B: Attachment C: Attaching

    • 3

      I've attached my contact information in the recommendation letter ______you have further questions. A: for good B: in order C: for fear D: in case

    • 4

      I"ve attached my contact information in the recommendation letter ______ you have further questions. A: because B: so that C: since D: in case