• 2022-06-06
    The customs officer asked, “Do you have anything to _______?” “Nothing.” I answered.
    A: delete
    B: declare
    C: decline
    D: Deliver
  • B


    • 0

      Do you have anything to __________? Any presents or alcohol? A: say B: tell me C: declare D: hide

    • 1

      Have you anything to declare?' he asked, looking . A: direct to me B: me directly C: directly at me D: in my direction

    • 2

      —I () to a party, but I’ve got nothing to wear. —Why don’t you have a dress made for the party A: was asked B: will ask C: have asked D: have been asked

    • 3

      Finally,I have()interesting to share with you, and I am sure you will be interested in it. A: everything B: something C: nothing D: anything

    • 4

      Don't blame it on me. In fact, i have ______ to do with that. A: nothing B: something C: anything D: everything