• 2022-06-06
    There is a bank __________ the street.
    A: on the end of
    B: in the end of
    C: at the end of
    D: by the end of
  • C


    • 0

      Turn ___ at the end of the street. A: right B: rightly

    • 1

      语句while(!end);中的条件!end等价于() A: end==0 B: end!=1 C: end!=0 D: -end

    • 2

      ____ the road you can see the hospital. A: By the end of B: At the end of C: In the end D: Be at the end

    • 3

      ? we found the house. A: In the end B: At the end C: Come to the end D: End up

    • 4

      I met her ______ Nanjing Road. A: in the end B: at the end of C: by the end of D: on the end