• 2022-06-06
    When two friends have problems, they may_______.
    A: have fights
    B: disagree with each other and argue
    C: not talk to each other any more
    D: A and B
  • D


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      I think this is the first time that we have met.( )anywhere. A: Each other have we seen never before B: Never before have we seen each other C: Never before we have seen each other D: Before have we never seen each other

    • 1

      The two teams each have their strengths and their weaknesses, and thus they can ________ each other when working on the project together. A: conceive B: confront C: complement D: compliment

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      The two parties of collaboration have already _________________________________ with each other about the plan.

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      adj. used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other equally, or actions that affected two or more people equally A: equal B: affected C: active D: mutual

    • 4

      adj. used to describe feelings that two or more people have for each other equally, or actions that affect two or more people equally A: modest B: mutual C: mature D: marine