• 2022-06-06
    In a “first-best” world:( )
    A: Free trade is not optimal.
    B: Free trade is economically efficient.
    C: Free trade benefits everyone.
    D: Free trade harms everyone.
  • B


    • 0

      3. The _____________ Free Trade Zone is the second largest free trade zone in the world. A: Hong Kong B: Singapore C: Colon D: Copenhagen

    • 1

      Situated in _____________, the Colon Free Trade Zone is the world second largest free trade zone, after China's Hong Kong. A: Panama B: Germany C: the United States D: New Zealand

    • 2

      ()is the largest free trade area in the area.

    • 3

      A free trade would be to both countries.

    • 4

      The proponents of free trade on a global scale have hailed the proliferation of regional trade agreements.