• 2022-06-06
    According to the passage, more and more people around the world today .
  • are trying dangerous activities for excitement


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      According to the passage, there are more myths about the common cold than any other human disease because ______. A: it spreads more quickly B: it is the most widespread illness C: the climate of the world is getting colder and colder D: few people can catch colds

    • 1

      Today, people are yet more _______ the achievements of China.

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      The more people there are around them, ()fun the kids seem to have. A: much B: more C: the most D: the more

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      Today more and more people( )the harmful effects cars bring to the environment,and they call for a No-Car Day.

    • 4

      The more people there are around them, (excited) ________ they seem to become.