• 2022-06-06
    1. ________ whether he is right or wrong, we have to obey his orders in the action.
    A: Despite of
    B: Regardless of
    C: Despite
    D: Regardless
  • B


    • 0

      He came to the meeting _____ his illness. A: Despite of B: besides C: despite D: in spite

    • 1

      ( )my friendship with Eddie, I tried not to take sides with him in this argument. A: Despite B: Unless C: Even if D: Regardless

    • 2

      () my friendship with Eddie, I tried<br/>not to take sides with him in this argument. A: Unless B: Regardless C: Even if D: Despite

    • 3

      Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to ______ the color of his skin. A: with the exception of B: ill the light of C: by virture of D: regardless of

    • 4

      (Despite) his old (age), he is still (very) (healthful) and often works in the field. A: Despite B: age C: very D: healthful