• 2022-06-06
    Unless ______ crime, poverty and other problems are dealt with there will be ______ widespread civil unrest.
  • #a


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      Despite poverty, racial violence and widespread discrimination, many Asians managed to climb up ____________. (社会经济阶梯)

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      The most widespread system of law in the world is ______. A: common law B: civil law C: religious law D: both common law and civil law

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      The right principles of dealing with emergencies:( ) A: Deal with the whole problem on the spot. B: A personal problem should be dealt with silently. C: Special problems should be dealt with specially. D: A problem in class should be dealt after class.

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      Why Chinese Americans, together with other Asian Americans, are known in the States as the “model minority”? A: They are usually very hard-working. B: They have a low poverty rate. C: A large percentage of them can achieve academic success. D: They have a low crime rate.

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      _____ deals with the facts of crime, poverty, marriage<br/>and so on. A: society B: social C: sociology D: sociable