• 2022-06-06
    Don’t forget to drink enough water even()
    A: in your body
    B: without water
    C: before long
    D: for a change
    E: on a busy day
    F: to your weight
  • E


    • 0

      Don’t leave the water ________ while you brush your teeth.

    • 1

      Before you your application form, don’t forget to ______ it and make sure the layout is clean.

    • 2

      Don’t forget to give Mike some food and change his water,______? A: Shall we B: will you C: won’t you D: do you

    • 3

      Don't forget __ your teth before you go to bed. () A: brush B: to brush C: brushing

    • 4

      Don’t forget to __________ your suitcases with your name and address.