• 2022-06-06
    ___style means that all letter parts begin at the left margin and is therefore the fastest traditional arrangement style to type.()
    A: blocked
    B: indented
    C: Full-blocked
    D: Semi-blocked
  • C


    • 0

      blocked by traffic

    • 1

      “车位已满”对应的英文是________________. A: Full B: Reserved C: Occupied D: Blocked

    • 2

      What had a piece of Canadian waterweed cause? A: Eastern Australian was overrun with forests. B: Half the waterways of Britain blocked for a decade.. C: In parts of central Africa, the land reduced to a semi desert. D: Disease-sleeping has been caused.

    • 3

      In ___________, the recipient’s address, salutation and the body of the letter begin at the left margin, while the sender’s address, date, complimentary closing, and the signature block are typed near the right margin. A: full block format B: indented forma C: modified block format D: all the above formats

    • 4

      You can’t leave the city; all the roads are by snow. A: held B: caught C: delayed D: blocked