• 2022-06-06
    You can afford to buy whatever you want at the grocery store, but you still ______ coupons.
    A: cut
    B: clip
    C: divide
    D: join
  • B


    • 0

      According to the author, if you want to buy groceries in the States, you can go to_____.

    • 1

      If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that ______. A: don't fit you B: need to be dry cleaned C: can be washed

    • 2

      智慧职教: If you want to buy something at a duty-free store, you must show your passport and valid boarding pass.

    • 3

      You can buy bread and cakes at a ___.( ) A: DIY store B: bakery C: convenience store D: flea market

    • 4

      —________ —I’d like to see a pair of brown shoes. A: What do you want B: What can I do for you C: What do you like D: Do you want to buy something