• 2021-04-14
    Bees communicate by dancing :for example
  • location


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      Bees communicate by dancing: for example, they do a kind of dance to tell other bees about the _________ of flowers. A: delay B: location C: experience D: launch

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      用以下单词的正确形式填空 damage deny public inspect actually location structure claim register amount 1. Bees communicate by dancing: For example, they do a kind of dance to tell other bees about the _________ of flowers.

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      Bees communicate by dancing. They do a kind of dance to tell other bees about the ____ of flowers.

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      Bees communicate the location of flowers with nectar to the rest of the hive by ______. Sometimes this is called THE LANGUAGE OF BEES.

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      What do we know about the bees on the back of the car? A: They were looking after the queen B: They were making a lot of noise C: They were looking for a new box to live in D: They were dancing in a unique way