• 2022-06-06
    We are a state-owned corporation specializing in the import of agricultural commodities.
  • 我们是一家专营农产品进口的国有公司。


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      We are a state-operated corporation ________ both the import and export of arts and crafts. ( )

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      原文:We are a state-owned corporation handling textiles products.译文:我们是处理纺织产品的国营公司。

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      中国大学MOOC: We are a state-owned enterprise in Shanghai, China ________both the import and export of textiles products.

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      China's agricultural products have become the mainstay of export commodities.

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      9-15 Being()in the import of garments, we wish to establish business relations with you. A: specialize B: specializing C: specializes D: specialized