• 2022-06-06
    All the information you have got is ______ on the computer.
  • up to date


    • 0

      Have you ______ computer?

    • 1

      You have got a notice from the electonic toy company that all the goods we ordered will _______(deliver) in three days.

    • 2

      Have<br/>you got all the________ for a fruit salad? A: components B: elements C: factors D: ingredients

    • 3

      —Late again! Where ________?[br][/br]—Sorry, I ________ in the heavy traffic, or I would have been here earlier. A: were you; have got stuck B: have you been; have got stuck C: were you; got stuck D: have you been; got stuck

    • 4

      您一共三件行李,对吧? A: So you've got four pieces of luggage B: How many pieces of luggage do you have in all C: You've got three pieces of luggage altogethe