• 2022-06-06
    He decided to accept a job in the local company. It was not because he was offered high pay.
  • He did not decide to accept a job in the local company because he was offered high


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      The author suggested at the end of story that ______. A: he accepted the job though he did not like it B: he refused the job though he needed it C: he could not make up his mind whether he should accept the job or not D: he had no choice but to accept the job

    • 1

      Why did he lose the job in the IT firm?Because his firm couldn't _____________ new company.

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      Whether ( ) accept the job is difficult to say. A: he will B: will he

    • 3

      On further (reflect) ________, he decided to accept the advice.

    • 4

      He was once offered a summer job with Hewlett-Packard.