• 2022-06-06
    n. a person who is in charge of or works in a library
    A: loyalty
    B: majority
    C: librarian
    D: liver
  • C


    • 0

      Who was Alexander Boyd A: The person who designed the library building. B: The author of several books in the library. C: The first director of the library. D: The biology professor after whom the library is named.

    • 1

      The person who works in a pharmacy and gives instructions of taking medicine is called a ( ).

    • 2

      n. a senior member of the government who is in charge of a government department or a branch of one a senior member of the government who is in charge of a government department or a branch of one A: mineral B: minister C: nuisance D: outlet

    • 3

      __________a person who works in the kitchen and cooks food[img=240x240]17e0c5efc8472d4.jpg[/img]

    • 4

      Which is the unisex job title for a person who is in charge of a school? A: head teacher B: headperson C: headmaster D: all of the above