• 2022-06-06
    She ______ her wedding presents on the table.
    A: presented
    B: displayed
    C: exhibited
    D: demonstrated
  • B


    • 0

      She looked beautiful on her ______ day. A: wedding B: marriage

    • 1

      I found the cat. She was sleeping under the table. A: under B: under the table C: sleeping under the table

    • 2

      Even as a child, she had admired her acting, especially ____ she demonstrated her role's courage. A: in the way B: by the way C: the way D: any way

    • 3

      On her next wedding anniversary she _____________________ (marry) for 30 years.

    • 4

      He presented her with a 1)_______ and asked her to 2)______________, but she went off to work and said,"3) _________________!"