• 2022-06-06
    Consider the TCR genes. The α gene has _______ V gene regions than does the γ, and the α
    gene has ______ C gene regions than does the β gene.
    A: fewer; fewer
    B: fewer; the same number
    C: more; fewer
    D: more; the same number
  • C


    • 0

      关于“基因”一章引用文本“What exactly is a gene”这一科普动画中,描述不够准确的有 A: Genes make proteins. B: A gene is a special stretch of DNA. C: Many creatures share some of the same genes. D: Each one of our cells contains 46 strands of DNA.

    • 1

      基因治疗的策略包括() A: 基因置换(gene replacement) B: 基因修正(gene correction) C: 基因转移(gene augmentation) D: 基因灭活(gene inactivation

    • 2

      The firm has _____ money and _____ staff than last year. A: more, much B: less, fewer C: much, little D: less, few

    • 3

      Which of the following methods is not included in gene diagnosis? A: Gene targeting B: PCR C: Nucleic acid hybridization D: Gene chip

    • 4

      When you doing transgenic plant, you could do overexpression, gene knock-down or gene knock out. Overexpression usually refers to an experiment when DNA is added to the cell to force expression of the gene to a much higher than normal level.()