• 2022-06-06
    We met, he offered to buy me an ice-cream and I _____ him_____.
    A: turn to
    B: turn off
    C: turn on
    D: turn for
  • B


    • 0

      To live green, we should______ the lights, the television and the computer when we are through with them. A: turn on B: turn off C: turn down D: turn up

    • 1

      Please ______ the radio a little. I can’t hear it clearly. A: turn on B: turn off C: turn up D: turn down

    • 2

      (Be sure to) turn (off) the light (before) you leave. Yes, I'll (turn off it). A: Be sure to B: off C: before D: turn off it

    • 3

      I gave him a present but he gave nothing<br/>_______. A: in turn B: in return C: in advance D: for turn

    • 4

      The news ______ to be a mistake. A: turn over B: turn on C: turn off D: turn out