• 2022-06-06
    Students with high hope set themselves higher goals and know how to work to______ them.
  • attain


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      Teachers are evaluated by students mainly on (). A: how well they perform in class B: how carefully they prepare their lessons C: how fluently they express themselves in class D: how hard they work in and after class

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      The more difficult goals we set, the higher performance we can achieve

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      The teachers encourage their students to ______ the problems by themselves, and in this way students can enjoy success. A: work as B: work out C: work for D: work with

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      Empathy is one of the characteristics of people with high EQ. What is Empathy? A: Empathy is the ability to think before we act. B: Empathy is the ability to set goals for yourself and work towards them with a positive attitude. C: Empathy is the ability to recognize the feelings of others and what they do with those feelings. D: Empathy is the ability to recognize and understand your moods and emotions and how they affect others.

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      The medical<br/>students in turn have to______ how to treat the patient.