• 2022-06-06
    8.I don't like swimming at all. So I _______go swimming.
    A: Always
    B: Hardly ever
    C: To do
    D: Usually
  • B


    • 0

      “Which exercise do you often like?”的正确英文回答有 A: I’m fond of jogging,hiking and playing basketball. B: I like dancing, swimming,skating and so on. C: I like to play football. D: I think there is nothing better than swimming for exercise. E: I often do exercise. F: I don’t like to do exercise.

    • 1

      I don't _______go swimming today. A: think I B: think I 'll C: thinking

    • 2

      most mostlyOf all the sports I do, I like swimming ___.We are ___ out on Sundays.

    • 3

      ---“I don’t drink coffee at all.” ---“______” A: So don’t I B: Neither do I C: Nor don't I D: I do either

    • 4

      — "I don’t drink coffee at all." — "()." A: So don’t I B: I do either C: Nor I do D: Neither do I