• 2022-06-06
    There aren’t ___trees near the house.
    A: some
    B: any
    C: few
  • B


    • 0

      There aren’t _____________pictures on the wall. A: some B: any

    • 1

      There aren’t ___flowers on the teacher’s desk. A: some B: any C: these

    • 2

      There ____ a lake and many trees near the house. A: is B: are C: has D: have

    • 3

      Are there ___________houses near the river? Yes, there are _________. A: some;some B: any; some C: any;any D: some;any

    • 4

      Where’s Wang’s new house A: It’s near the school. B: It’s near John house. C: It’s near Wang’s old house.