• 2022-06-06
    When did the film begin
    A: At 6:50.
    B: At 6:10.
    C: At 7:10.
  • A


    • 0

      A.8:50.B.7:40.C.7:20.D.7:10. A: 8:50. B: 7:40. C: 7:20. D: 7:10.

    • 1

      When does the writing begin in CET-4? A: 10:50 am B: 9:10 am

    • 2

      When did it begin to rain() A: At 6 o’clock. B: Before I got home. C: When I got home.

    • 3

      When did the film begin A: 8:45. B: B. 9:00. C: 8:30.

    • 4

      Conversation 1Questions 6 to 7 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard. When will the football match begin() A: At 6:30. B: At 6:45. C: At 7:15. D: At 7:30.