• 2022-06-06
    Which of the following cases is an example of failed intercultural communication
    A: Spending a considerable amount of time to learn a second language.
    B: Lowering your voice volume when speaking with people who speak softly.
    C: Observing the verbal and nonverbal response people give to you in intercultural communication.
    D: Using the “thumb-up” gesture to communicate the meaning of “good job” in all intercultural context.
  • D


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      8. Which of the following statements about intercultural communication is not true? A: A. It is communication between people of different cultures. B: B. We need understanding and acceptance in intercultural communication. C: C. During the process of intercultural communication, one should turn one’s back on one’s own culture. D: D. We should develop tolerance and acceptance in intercultural communication.

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      Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication.

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      What is intercultural communication?( ) A: The process of becoming a member of a new society B: Verbal and nonverbal interaction between people from different cultures C: The system of interaction between people within a single culture D: The ability to speak the same language as someone else

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      What is true about intercultural communication? A: Intercultural communication as a phenomenon has existed for thousands of years.  B: Intercultural communication as a discipline has a short history.  C: Globalization of the world economy is crucial to the rapid increase of intercultural communication. D: Intercultural communication happens only when we meet face-to-face with foreigners.

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      ​In order to be successful in intercultural communication, people should learn only cultural differences.‎